I was scared to step into that space… the space of “weirdo” and “woo-woo”… Even though weirdness was all I had ever been attracted to my whole life. Even though I knew that was totally me and my friends all knew it. Even though it’s why I was homeschooling my kids.. I was scared to FULLY step into that title that felt so weird. It was so strange, I had to create my own business that was me, and I had to create my own title. Growing up at career fairs, I never met anyone who was an entrepreneur and made up their own title. I didn’t see it listed on the jobs people got after they got a degree and started their career. Nope. Not until I fully said yes to the weird stuff and dove into my true self did I really start to understand that I’m here to just be just that… weirdo and independent me. Not to work for anyone else, not to function on their timeline, or their goals for income. I’m here to authentically be me and put time, effort and energy into that role – and in that role, I help others fully step into who THEY are and what THEIR purpose is. Which, is really quite cool to think about. Me fully being me and living that, helps others fully be them and live their authentic self, serving their authentic purpose. It’s quite magical really. 

This past week I have been granted the award of Public Speaking – something I very much called into being these past few years and more specifically, this past 8 months. It has been an extremely fulfilling experience to give the gift of my stories and knowledge to others for them to learn and grow. I LOVE doing it. For real. I love sharing the hard shit I’ve been through, the Universal lessons and nudges I’ve gotten, and for sure the Universal Frying Pan Upside the Head lessons I’ve had over and over. I love using my fire and air elements to light people up and to spark something in them that has been dormant. I love connecting them with the mentors and leaders and change-makers they have been looking for. It feels amazing to be stepping into my weirdness – all of it… embracing it. Embracing my heat, my passion and my desire to help this world heal with all of the unique, strange, woowoo modalities out there and showing others the path just LIGHTS ME UP! 

I have had other ‘passion projects’ with my career along the journey… Being a professional dog trainer for 12 years and fostering animals was something I was passionate about. I was helping people understand the dynamics of living with another creature and how to communicate better with it. I was being weird then and speaking another language, but that title was acceptable in society so it was ok. I burned out from it though. I wasn’t feeling like I was making the impact I truly longed to make. I craved something deeper than dogs, which are lovely, but I was ready for more. 

And just like that, I started to shift into motherhood and healing my mental and hormonal health, as well as dealing with, and finding answers to my long time, chronic pain. As I learned and studied about plants, herbs, and eventually falling in love with aromatherapy, I was slowly figuring out how to find harmony within myself. I was learning to ‘tune-in’ to my own needs. I was learning what self-care was and I was teaching others as I went. My passion grew and grew for helping others discover the power of aromatherapy, the history and the science behind it all, and I LOVED teaching others. That passion for healing and all things health grew for over 9 years and as I continued to follow the healing energy, I was being shown more and more things that were intangible, spiritual and way deeper than I had ever imagined I’d be going. 

The journey lead me to astrology school and me finally fully embracing the self-study and knowledge I had acquired the past two decades. I had been learning and growing in astrology without fully coming out and telling anyone or talking to many people about it beyond my immediate family – mainly my husband and kids.  The magic started to truly unfold when I rebranded myself in April of 2022 and came out with a new title of Astrological Health Coach Intuitive. For years I hid the fact that I spoke astrology AND I receive messages from spirit. When I fully embraced astrology into my business though, I couldn’t deny my connection with Mercury in Pisces energy and I had to also tell the world that I have connection with things beyond the veil. Having Aquarius (weirdness that rules astrology) and Pisces (spiritual connections and intuition) in the 10th house – which is the area of purpose in life, contribution to society and career areas, means I need to fully be me… No more working for other businesses waiting tables, or cleaning kennels, I need to do me. 

That is what I am here for and stepping into my weirdness has been one of the most satisfying and fun things I’ve ever done. The flow of life has been superb since taking the brave leap and re-branding myself into my true calling. I have so enjoyed the releasing of the old skin, the old beliefs, the old relationships to embrace the new, the fun, the creative, the intuitive and the feminine balanced with the masculine energy. I am embracing a balanced nervous system as I practice self-care AND scale my business (and family). I am embracing truly healthy bank accounts as I call in the finances needed for our families growth. I am embracing all of the help and support I am receiving – both here on Earth and from Spirit, Angels and Guides. I am embracing patience and kindness towards others and myself. 

I am embracing me.      

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