Each astrological season has its own energy, its own style. In Pisces season, the last of the zodiac signs before the fiery new Aries season starts with the Spring Solstice, we dig into the healing that needs to happen within us. The healing wisdom is gained by the previous year’s trek through each sign. As you walk through each one, you gain and gather lessons and experience. When we get to the time now, it’s when we take the wisdom we learned and apply it to feeling, releasing, and healing old wounds, traumas, and pain. 

I’ve personally had a ridiculous amount of physical pain I’ve gone through in my life, starting at age 12 when the onset of autoimmune pain flares erupted. For the next 25 years I would seek answers under every rock, in every corner, and behind every door, to locate various answers to the healing I craved so desperately. It felt like my mission, to find answers, understanding and actual healing. Not the kind of healing that is just masking symptoms with pills and doesn’t address root causes. No. I was truly seeking to be free of the root cause…. The emotional triggers. 

You see, our emotions lead to the responses that create neuropeptides, which trigger a hormone response, that then leads to a visceral bodily response, which over time turns on or off the pain receptors in our nervous system and lead to inflammation. It’s all based at the root cause of emotions. The thing is, many of these emotional responses are not our own. They are from our lineage… Our ancestors. Their trauma is located within our own DNA, and that affects how we respond to situations. 

It’s crazy to really dig into it all, but it’s there, scientifically backed. We can demonstrate it. We all can actually see it… The physical response of an emotion leads to crying, or a lump in the throat, or smiling. These all are reactions our body has. Some of the reactions that need to come out though, cannot, for whatever reason, and get suppressed. The repeated suppression of these emotional responses that need to move but can’t, is what builds into stagnation – thus leading to a build up, and toxins to accumulate, and disease to form. 

So with the energy of Pisces season and the support of therapeutic plant essential oils, you can do your own self care and break up and move the stagnant energy causing you pain. It is possible. It does work. I know this, because I’ve experienced it many times over and I’ve coached others to do it as well. Since adding astrology to the mix, I’ve found that the healing happens even more easily and profoundly when it is done during certain times of the year – mainly within the Water seasons of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the emotional cleansers. 

Each water element is more of a beneficial time for different kinds of healing. Cancer is a great time to heal our wounds of nurturing, mothering and self care. Scorpio is about transforming and going deep under the ocean to bring up traumas. Pisces is healing the future by healing the past and connecting with spirit. Pisces is dreamy and artistic and nebulous. It can and does want to “check out” if things hurt too much because this sign is extremely idealistic and can be unrealistic. Be aware of the energy of illusion and wanting to escape – often it can be in the wrong and unhealthy ways. Focus on health, support, wellbeing and connection. 

To embrace Pisces is to truly understand the nature of the two fish which is represented in the signs symbol. Be ok that your emotions may ebb and flow like two fish do… It’s not linear, healing doesn’t happen in a straight path, and it can feel conflicting. Become the observer of what is happening with the fish – do not jump in and swim after one of them. Know that you are here in time to release old patterns and old conditioning that isn’t serving you by using the knowledge you have gained throughout the year and the energy of Pisces.

Not only do we have the Sun in Pisces right now, but starting March 7th, one of the big planets, Saturn, moves into the sign for the first time in 30 years. It is a time where we will feel restriction and maturation around healing and feeling. Saturn makes sure we *grow up* and create some structure in our lives in this particular part of our chart. When it comes to creating structure in the nebulous and dreamy sign though, things can become confusing and abstract. My opinion on this is that we will all have to ‘work hard’ (Saturn) to build a healing practice that is in alignment with our personal needs. Not everyone needs to sit and meditate for several hours a day. Some people need to walk or swim, some need to dance, some need to make art. Others need to sit and spend time with people or animals as they transition over to the other side. Whatever is the *thing* that works for you, you will be asked to really lean into it and put on your Big Kid Panties to make sure you become responsible and do the work. Even if the work looks like creating a studio space where you can do pole dancing or fling paint at giant canvases. 

The next 3 years we will all be feeling this one, on a personal level and within the collective. We may have spiritual awakenings, may discover we have gifts we never knew before, or join a new group where healing looks and feels different than you could have ever imagined.  There may be endings of friendships, and the breaking of ties that don’t serve us any longer. Saturn can feel heavy and very restrictive, causing us isolation – but this time is a gift for you to pour into the activation of your intuition and connection with the world we cannot see. It’s a time to lean into the past lives that are affecting you and the generational traumas from this life. 

Use this Pisces energy to feel so you can heal. 

And remember, you are not alone. If you are struggling and need support, please reach out.

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